Best Color Combination Schemes For Website

Best Color Combination Schemes For Website
Best Color Combination Schemes
Color is just a feeling of human beings, this reacts like a huge role in the human life. Because of that this feeling also affects on the websites also. Best color combination schemes for website is just base for it. In the world only two colored website runs smoother that is of Blue and Orange colors shades. You may have seen various website with blue color as Facebook, MySpace even Twitter is also in blue color. Every color have its own feature, blue color gives to eyes a calm and peaceful feelings. Whereas, Orange color also have a good amount of examples as blogger itself. In the world on the website 84% of people like only blue color and its shades even having there own favorite color also. I am presenting some of the best schematic colors combination code for website with targeting blue shades and Orange shades.

Website Color Scheme 1
Color Scheme 1
Yellow, orange and chocolate shades
Combination of these colors codes must be apply for those website which having some thing new to the world would be best ever. New concerned with new games, new software, new launches. The strategy on the amount of each colors on the website is totally depends upon you as per the choice. But suggested is use colors in the frequencies that people wants to like. Allow light colors as link colors and orange as borders and balanced chocolate to hole website. Other things would be designs on which your website will sure get attractive looks and impress to your visitors also. Try to get all the colors must be matches.
Hex color codes - #FFCC33 #FF6600 #A45209 #533419

Website Color Scheme 2
Color Scheme 2
Silver, blue, white and tan shades
This color is for those website which have a content orientation target on there website. Visitors who reads much content from the wen requires a lot of taking care about colors. Light shads would be better because visitors would always gazing on each of the word written. Use schemes of these colors as silver for background, Blue for headers, White for post area and Tan shades for widget areas. Take care of things heavy colors like yellow red orange distract visitors to read the contents available on the website. Do not use such heavy colors the eyes may be affected with constantly watching them.
Hex color codes - #CCCCCC #003366 #FFFFFF #CCCC99

Website Color Scheme 3
Color Scheme 3
Dark green, tan, purple and blue shades
Website having both the quality like reading contents and also featured content must target on the mid ranged colors so that the visitors would be able the distinct them as per the classification between content and featured contents. Keep in mind that the header of the website would be either blue or dark green in this combination of schematic color codes. Allow maximum area of color to tan in whole post area so that written words can be seen clearly and do not have any more problem with the colors. Make side bars always with the purple color in this schemes colors combination package taking care of all proportions.
Hex color codes - #003333 #CCCC99 #666699 #003366

Color Scheme 4
Blue shades, light orange and white
Having a website on the profession, education, Marketing, Corporation & Business uses such schematic color combinations. Covering to give quality and services to consumer must be based on such a type of color that not depress them. Open and free colors are must here. Here the color white is king for the combination of such looks and other colors must have less than 50% of coverage on the website. Such Hex color codes are more frequently used by the webmasters and have a positive attitude toward the targeting customers. This generate a positive sense in the whole website.
Hex color codes - #336699 #FFCC66 #FFFFFF #003366

Colors is also a part of popularity of website, good color also interact users to open them continuously. Readership quality & Viewing quality is just based on the colors of the website. 

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