What Does Mean Of Google AdSense Account On Hold
Having one Google AdSense account is the dream of every publisher on the web so that each and every publisher can make some of the revenue from their website and blog. If you are approved from Google AdSense then you need to verify yourself. Then what does mean of AdSense account on hold. In life once this happen that your account gets hold which seems like something gone wrong with your account but carefully see the problem is that any other thing rather than invalid activity. Every publisher account gets hold status when they reach up to 10 Dollars and above and they all have to perform this procedure of verification. In this kind of verification you have to submit your Tax details, payment method and a PIN (Personal Identification Number) which is sent to your home address with ordinary courier post and you mentioned in the account. Then after completing this, your account will be verified and would be genuine one.
What to do with Tax information (Only for citizen of United States territory)
Tax information has to be put in your AdSense account well if you are belonging from U.S. territory. You need to provide valid details of your tax information in account setting menu. If you are living outside from U.S. then you won't need to submit any kind of details about tax information you just have to select directly no in three questions asked in tax information. If you are outside from United States that it doesn't mean that you won't have to pay tax, you have to pay it when you submit check in your country's bank. However if you have nominal amount of money then you won't need to provide tax because government has given freedom for tax at certain level of income. You will be asked some questions like have you any server that is hosted in United States or are you citizen of U.S. territory or not. Just provide information accurate.
Payment methods which are available as per your country's rules
Google AdSense has a better arrangement of sending money which is earned by publishers by their hard work. Therefore AdSense has given Check, EFT (Electronic Fund Transfer), WUQC (Western Union Quick Cash) and Rapida. Although each country has not all kind of payment methods at all but according to the betterment of payment AdSense allow different ways to pay money for every country. Currently Indian publisher get their payment through check only. Rapida is available only for Russian publishers. Other countries have left all the payment methods as per the availability.
Verification of your home address with help PIN number
If you are approved for AdSense account then you are not completely a genuine publisher of AdSense until you verify your home address. AdSense sends a post card letter to your home address which you provide in your AdSense account while opening. This letter includes a PIN number which is secret from others and you need to put that PIN in your AdSense account in account setting menu where you will see verify address link near your home address.
Keep in mind that the verification letter of AdSense take around minimum 1 week if you live in U.S. or maximum 2 - 4 weeks for other than U.S. which is depending upon the your country.
Things you need to bear in mind when your account is on hold
Suddenly getting any red mark to your account can generate fear in yourself kindly see the things carefully which your account needs from your side. It doesn't mean that you are fake publisher here this is a step of procedure which you need to submit to AdSense.
- Never put any imaginary PIN number wait for letter arrived in your home address
- Never give any fake information regarding to your tax information and details
- If you are not from United States territory that doesn't mean you not have to pay tax
- Select better available payment method which suits to your country
We are human who gets quickly react on any kind of misunderstanding happens therefore we need to keep patience in mind with ability to understand the situation.