What Is SEO Friendly : A Development For Web

SEO FriendlyHave you heard the word about SEO friendly somewhere on web or else somewhere on process of better website development? When webmaster listen the term SEO friendly, they directly think about SEO friendly sites and articles. But that is no sufficient as we think about the SEO friendly website. Actually SEO is starts from the beginning of the web development where we start the designs of website. A better SEO friendly site has many major parts inside the whole development process. SEO can be divided in three steps where first two are better and time consuming process where you have to work extremely hard or incessantly. The SEO developments major parts are as website template and designs, better naming and description for website and final one is regular based content which is adding day by day and in this step you have to play with keyword research and its role play well.

Understanding how much is SEO important for a website

SEO (Search Engine Optimization)In a website you have a part of SEO (Search Engine Optimization) by default and this can do a better job. Suppose if you have a great website with so many good stories and services as you want and wish to have or have no visitor and customer who at least see your website. Sure you think what would be profit for having such website. Actually that is SEO's great role play where you can have a better targeted visitors and vice-verse. Some years ago in the world there were only lacks of websites on the web but today there are more than thousand billions or bloggers and hundred billions of websites on the internet moving like a new kind of passion or requirement.

Three major development parts of developing a SEO friendly website

Website development is not one time process, it is time and mind consuming also. So here I have explained SEO friendly terms in real world with breaking all the steps used in SEO in three parts. These three parts explained below.

1. Website designs with support of H1, H2 and H3 tags : Your website template which have implemented with help of HTML and CSS support plays an important role with SEO ranks and way of indexing your website. Generally these codes used as H1 for titles and heading, H2 for widget and sidebar area and H3 tag other than title or heading and widget or sidebar areas.

2. Better supports of niche resources and contents : Niche resources means to things which are related to your website name and its description. If you have website named something like my one as database then sure you have to collect and publish things based on database and library contents or you can also post database like internet movie database (IMDb) or database for website resources and contents.

3. Regular updates of SEO friendly contents with better keyword : One of the great success achieved only by more numbers of page views and organic traffic by search engines. In your website you mostly have contents and services where services have its own way to publicize but content based things are need to optimize well. Such contents can be taken at keyword research tools and niche finder well. Overloading your stories with dozens of keyword also shows your website at spam level be careful while choosing better keywords.

After all doing lots of practices your SEO is not done you have to keep patience in yourself. You need to wait for time to get index your newly added SEO with all the search engines where you have submitted your website. In between that keep posting better and valuable things regularly. Finally doing SEO in your website you would sure success in all the search engines and get ranked batter as your dream you think to be ranked.

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